I got my PhD degree in "Computer Engineering and Science" in February 2012 from the "International Doctoral School of Information and Communication Technologies", University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Since then, I have lectured in different Albanian universities as well, holding administrative positions such as Head of Department. I have a short experience as a software developer at Kion s.p.a. (a Cineca Company). Moreover, I have been actively involved in different activities such startup weekends, hackathons and other competitions in the Albanian eco-system.
SMART4ALL is a H2020 funded project (Grant Agreement No. 872614) that builds capacity between stakeholders in Europe through the development of self-sustaining, cross-border experiments that transfer knowledge and technology between academia and industry.
The MARDS project main objective is to reconstruct the PhD studies in line with Salzburg Principles and establish sustainable and modern Pilot Joint Doctoral Schools between two friendly neighbours partner countries that will serve as an example of “good practice” for the WB Region.
NeP4B (Networked Peers for Business) is a three year FIRB National research project aiming at implementing a new vision of the global market using innovative ICT solutions for small and medium enterprises (SME).
Is a COST action that aims to launch and establish a cooperative network of researchers, practitioners, and application domain specialists working in fields related to semantic data management, the Semantic Web, information retrieval, artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural language processing