Ubimedic2 is multi-agent framework able to support the management of territorial emergencies. It extends the idea of the former Ubimedic including introducing the idea of the operative units such as ambulances and hospitals which are involved in the coordination of the rescue operations. We propose a distributed approach where all the operative units using the agent technology, collaborates with each-other and arrange the coordination of the rescue operations. Agents support the medical staff in the decision making process, collect and store digital data patient, collaborate for a better use of the resources still keeping the ability to succeed in their task in absence of communication.


  • Elton Domnori, Giacomo Cabri, Letizia Leonardi, "Multi-Agent approach for Disaster Management", SEDM 2011, Barcelona (ES);
  • Elton Domnori, Giacomo Cabri, Letizia Leonardi, "A multi-agent approach for territorial emergency management", WAO 2011: p74-80, Rende (IT), (download, bibtex);
  • Elton Domnori, Giacomo Cabri, Letizia Leonardi, "Designing and implementing intelligent agents for e-health", EIDWT 2011, Tirana (AL), (download, bibtex);
  • Elton Domnori, Giacomo Cabri, Letizia Leonardi, "Ubimedic2: An Agent-Based Approach in Territorial Emergence Management", PCTH 2011, Dublin (IR), (download, bibtex);
  • Elton Domnori, Giacomo Cabri, Letizia Leonardi "Coordination Issues in an Agent-Based Approach for Territorial Emergence Management", WAINA: p184-189 (2011), Singapore (download, bibtex);